Training and networking events

Competence network

Yearly “fixed seats” on trainings (RS Academy) and user conferences (ProdSummit) to secure good competence now and in the future.

  • RS Production

  • Factory digitization

  • Digital Lean Production

  • Change management


RS Academy

Training programs for users and super users. Arranged on distance, on your site or come to our training facility.

Future dates at the webpage (SE) or webpage (EN)

RS Production Superuser (2 days)

This training is for you who are an advanced user or superuser. This course is basic + extension training two days in a row. The focus of this training is advanced functionality and configuration options. --- Webshop (SE)

Basic RS Production OEE (1 day)

This is the training for you who use RS Production in daily work.

After the training, you will have the knowledge required to be able to find the reports and the facts that help you in your daily work. We go through the basics of the system, and the education's focus is on visualizing facts. --- Webshop (SE)

RS Production OEE extension, Superuser day 2 (1 day)

This training is for you who are an advanced user or superuser. This course is an extension to the user training. The focus of this training is advanced functionality and configuration options. --- Webshop (SE)

Basic RS Production i4Pro (1 day)

The course is aimed at users who want to benefit even more from RS Production i4Pro and the addons Forms and Andon. During the training, we combine theory with exercises to get most of the time together. --- Webshop (SE)


User conference with inspiring key notes, product presentations, customer use cases and time for networking.